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If you really love math and want to share that love with the next generation, then Math for America is perfect for you.

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We’ve told you about teaching fellowship programs before, and today we’re going to look at another one. It’s called Math for America, and it’s based in New York City with operations in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Washington, DC as well. Their goal is simple; they want to “improve math education in secondary public schools in the United States by recruiting, training, and retaining outstanding mathematics teachers.” Numerical literacy is essential to a properly functioning society, and, unfortunately, we’re falling short. If people can’t understand basic math, there’s no hope that they’ll ever be financially responsible. If they can’t understand statistics, how will they ever fully comprehend the political process or medical advice? Our country’s math education is woefully inadequate, and even many students at top colleges have a fear of math. Great teachers are the answer, and that’s why Math for America is recruiting great mathematical minds for America’s classrooms.

Do You Love Math?

If you really love math and want to share that love with the next generation, then Math for America is perfect for you. They are aggressively recruiting new college grads who “know and love math, enjoy teaching and interacting with young people, possess excellent communication skills, can create a constructive learning environment for students, will make a five year commitment to the MƒA Fellowship Program, and can take personal responsibility for themselves and their actions.” The Fellowship Program has great benefits, and makes teaching a much more intriguing option for mathematically inclined new grads who may have never considered education before. Math for America’s website is fantastic, and you can find all the details of their Fellowship Program here. You can apply online, and the deadline for applications is February 13th.

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2 responses to “Math for America”

  1. Rebecca Goldman says:

    Math jokes:

    What do you get when you cross an elephant and a grape? Elephant-grape-sin theta.

    What about an elephant and a mountain climber? Well, you can’t, because a mountain climber is a scaler (scalar…get it?)

  2. Alex says:

    There are only 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.

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