Unleashing Your Inner Extrovert | Foundation 5 – Lesson 5

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So far in this foundation, we’ve been talking about things you can do to engage others on a social basis so that you can build relationships and get invited in to companies… rather than stay stuck in the “blind resume submission” rat race.

We’re not going to add anything new to the mix today. What we are going to do instead is walk through additional tactics to use. This lesson is for those who know what to do, but are maybe a bit uncertain as to how to do it. Because the lesson is all tactics, we get to skip straight to the…


Over the next 3 days, practice each of the following tactics for unleashing your inner extrovert at least once:

  1. Review this blog post from jasonseiden.com. In it, you will learn two things:
    a) What to do with those stories you captured in Lesson 1 of this Foundation.
    b) How to handle situations that intimidate you.
  2. As silly as it may seem, go back to Lesson 1 from this Foundation and practice your stories, out loud!
  3. Do you have a friend who is a great story teller? Someone whose company you enjoy because s/he always makes you feel part of the action? Think of one of the person’s stories. Try to tell the story as if it were your own. Can you capture the same feeling?
  4. Strike it up: the next time you are in a public place—coffee shop, class, elevator, whatever—strike up a conversation and watch what happens. See if you can work in your personal pitch. Do this ten times, and track how many times you are able to tell a complete stranger about yourself and what you do.Are you able to do it? What kind of reaction do you get? How do you yourself feel?
  5. List ways in which you think you “reward” others with you`r company. This may include your humor, what you do for them, your ability to listen, how important you make them feel, the fact that you let them drive your car, or anything else you can think of.Seek out others for feedback. Ask others about things they wished you did maybe just a little less often. This will offer others a chance to tell you ways in which they feel punished by your company without putting anyone on the spot. This exercise will likely be particularly tough for guys. So men, remember: when you ask for feedback and get a witty one liner in response, that joke is likely 80% truth.Compare the list of things others say they wished you would do less with your own list of things you think you should do more. Any overlap or surprises? Improving your interpersonal self-awareness is the first step to developing a more astute, charismatic,  and naturally extroverted style.

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