Posted by Willy Franzen on October 28, 2013. Jobs updated daily.
I often find charity events frustrating. It’s not the events themselves that bother me–it’s the auctions and raffles. Non-profits have an amazing ability to get all kinds of high value donations (which should be the hard part), but they completely fail when it comes to extracting as much value as possible out of those donations. It could be an inexperienced auctioneer, poorly priced raffle tickets, a confusing silent auction, or a complicated payment process. Technology can solve a lot of these problems, and that’s exactly what BidPal has done. They’re an Indianapolis, IN based company that “improves charitable fundraising events from start to finish with event management solutions, automated auctions, payment processing, online fundraising, consulting services, and much, much more.” BidPal actually came in at #74 on this year’s Inc. 5000 with 4,323% three-year growth to $10.2 million in revenue.
While that revenue number is impressive, it’s nowhere near as impressive as the nearly $215 million that BidPal has helped charities raise to “feed the hungry; fight cancer; promote the arts; educate young people; and everything in between.” To understand how BidPal helps non-profits raise more money, take a look at some of their videos. You should also read some of the company’s case studies to see how organizations like the Boys & Girls Club of Chicago and the Minnesota Zoo use BidPal. The whole suite of solutions, products, and services is extraordinary, especially when you consider that many non-profits are still using pen and paper for a lot of their event related tasks. If you’d like to help BidPal help charities raise more money, visit BidPal’s Careers page. Right now they have a number of opportunities including Logistics and Planning Associate, Systems Engineer, and Support Analyst. There are also part-time BidPal Assistant positions in Austin, TX; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Duluth, MN; Milwaukee, WI; Philadelphia, PA; San Antonio, TX; and Washington, DC.
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
What’s the best thing that you’ve “won” at a charity event?
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