I am an outdoorsman. I fish, I hunt, and try to spend as much time in the wilderness as I can. Ok, that’s not completely true. I tend to stay in hotels/motels on my fishing trips, but I know a lot of people prefer to camp on those kinds of trips. It always seemed to me like a lot of work and equipment for a little more time outdoors; however, for many camping is the main event. In my mind that means sleeping in a tent, but I guess it can also mean sleeping in an RV. The people who prefer the latter definition are likely customers of Camping World. The Bowling Green, KY based company is “the camping and recreational vehicle enthusiast’s one-stop-shop for everything they need to enjoy living in and traveling in their RV.” Camping may be in the name, but it seems to be all about the RV lifestyle.
Camping World got its start with a single store in 1966. They’ve come a long way and now have more than 100 stores and $1 billion in revenue. You have to think that a lot of their success comes from having picked a great market to serve–RV camping is a very expensive hobby. In addition the Camping World brand, there is also Good Sam RV Club. It’s a membership discount club that seems to be very popular in the market. Apparently the RV market is booming (boomers + retiring = booming), so there should be some great Career Opportunities at Camping World. There are a bunch of entry level positions, but they’re in a variety of locations and functions, so I’m going to let you browse them yourself.
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
Have you ever camped in an RV?
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