CNET Networks has two job search sites, one for college students and one for everyone else. Both have jobs that appear to be appropriate for new college grads.

Displaying 1-10 of 534 results.
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Network Operations Specialist
Columbus, OH
Provider Data Services Senior Coordinator- Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Storage Engineer - Remote / Telecommute
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Delivery Driver
Columbus, OH
Level 2 Support Technician
Hilliard, OH

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There’s no doubt about it. Traditional media is dead. Even the stodgiest newspapers and magazines have been forced to go online. Television stations can’t thrive without a web presence. That means jobs in traditional media are dead too. We understand that some of you still aren’t trusting of jobs at Internet companies and that you want the “safety” of a well established company. That’s setting yourself up for failure. Sorry to be so blunt, but to paraphrase Seth Godin, every day you spend in a traditional media job is a day that the skills that you are building become less valuable. If you’re looking for jobs at a major media company with a proven track record, why not take a look at CNET Networks?

Practically Ancient

When it comes to internet media companies, CNET Networks has been around a long time. They started with a TV show in 1994, and since then they’ve been a major presence in online media. Despite their old fogey status, they’re also managing to keep up with the constant barrage of new online trends. To do this they’ve built up an impressive portfolio of sites, and now reach over 145 million unique users a month. Their brands include: BNET, CHOW, CNET, CNET Channel, International Media, GameSpot, GameFAQs,, mySimon,, TechRepublic,, UrbanBaby, and ZDNet. You’ve probably come across at least one of these brands at some point in your web surfing.

Jobs in the New Media

CNET Networks has two job search sites, one for college students and one for everyone else. We looked at the general job search site first (we didn’t realize that entry-level jobs were listed separately) and still found quite a few jobs that appear to be appropriate for new college grads, even if they’re not targeted to them. All of these jobs are located in San Francisco, and they include: Assistant Editor I, Console Previews, Assistant Editor I, Console Previews (yes, there are two separate listings for the same job title), Associate Editor II, Game Guides, Operations Engineer, Search Engine Optimization Analyst, and Search Strategist. All of these jobs sound really interesting, but the Editorial positions sound the best. They require some previous writing experience, but should be a great fit for a college student who loves both video games and the written word (that seems like a weird combination, not sure why).

As for jobs listed on CNET College Job Search site, there are positions such as: Associate Software Engineer, Associate Software Engineer (these first two listings are located in San Francisco), and Associate Software Engineer (Louisville, KY), Account Coordinator (San Francisco, CA), and Account Coordinator (New York, NY). Oddly enough, many of these jobs say that they require 1 year experience. That doesn’t make sense for jobs that are posted solely for college students, so we’ll recommend that you ignore that requirement. Regardless, CNET Networks does a great job of describing their jobs and requirements, so take a look and see if there’s anything that’s a good fit for you.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

Planning on spending the summer job searching/sunbathing? You better subscribe so that you can spend less time wading through job sites (we’ll do that) and more time in the sun.

We've identified CNET Networks as having career opportunities in the following categories:

Jobs Near You

Patient Service Representative
quantum-health Dublin, OH
Delivery Driver
Joey Columbus, OH
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Amazon Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Abbott Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Recruit Monitor Columbus, OH

3 responses to “CNET Networks”

  1. So, we featured CNET yesterday. Today they were acquired by CBS for $1.8 Billion. Clearly our voice matters.

  2. Jamila H. Hunter says:

    I am a mom that’s trying to help her daughter search for work. Jamila is a NYC born, mature and outfoing 22 year old, residing in Brooklyn, New York, She’s a recent (’08) Anitoch college grad with a BA in Cultural and Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Media and Social Justice. For her Senior project, she produced an amazing 30 minute video on the disconnect between Africa and Black America. I hope you have the time to conact her at the stated e-mail address. Thank you.

  3. Hi Jamila’s mom. First of all, we’re not CNET, so our contacting your daughter wouldn’t do much good. Second, I think you’d be better off to let Jamila manage her own job search. She’s an adult now. If definitely great that you want to help her, but I think most employers would find it disconcerting that she didn’t contact them herself. If you want to help Jamila, your best bet is to put her in touch with people whom you know that might provide her with meaningful networking opportunities and to send her any jobs that you find that she might think are interesting.

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