E-Poll Market Research Logo

If you like what you see at E-Poll Market Research, then you should check out their Jobs page to learn about their entry level opportunities.

Displaying 1-10 of 567 results.
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Provider Data Services Senior Coordinator- Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Amazon Customer Service - United States - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Program Manager - Columbus/Cleveland/Cincinnati, OH and Pittsburgh, PA
Columbus, OH
System Administrator (Middleware) - Remote / Telecommute
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Sensory and Consumer Research Specialist
Marysville, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
AWS Data Engineer - Fully Remote - US Only
Columbus, OH

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You’d be amazed if you knew how much research went into every little thing that you buy, consume, watch, and wear. Many companies can predict exactly how you will respond to a given marketing message (and I’m not talking about Hunch), and if they can’t, they’ll find a way to find out. Market research has been around for a long time, but the Internet has really changed the way its done.
Now you can reach nearly any person or any group of people with a survey nearly instantly—and at an extremely low cost. The problem is that online surveys and polls can be plagued by low quality results (think about how tv news Internet polls get hijacked by online groups). We’ve seen some big social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook start moving into online market research, but there are some companies that have been doing it a lot longer. E-Poll Market Research is a perfect example. They’re a Los Angeles, CA based market research firm that has been around since 1997, and they’re experts at helping clients meet “extremely tight deadlines” and overcome “research challenges that demand non-traditional approaches.”

Survey Says…

One of the fun things about E-Poll Market Research is that they seem to do a lot of work related to the Entertainment industry (I think most of this falls under the MediaSYNC product line). It makes sense when you consider their Los Angeles location and their CEO’s background in the television industry. What’s also interesting about E-Poll Market Research’s business is that there are two sides of it. Facing clients and crafting good surveys is one thing, but they also have to get their surveys out to the right people—and they’re experts at that. They’re capable of providing data on people ranging from “hard-to-reach groups” to “nationally representative samples.” If you like what you see at E-Poll Market Research, then you should check out their Jobs page. Right now their entry level opportunities are on the Sales side—Account Executive and Sales Coordinator, but they have paid internships in Research and Marketing, so there could be opportunities in those areas too.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

Do you ever take surveys?

We've identified E-Poll Market Research as having career opportunities in the following categories:

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Patient Service Representative
quantum-health Dublin, OH
Delivery Driver
Joey Columbus, OH
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Amazon Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Abbott Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Recruit Monitor Columbus, OH

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