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Emerge Media is a Chicago, IL based company that is “taking on the essential roots of everyday tasks and breathing real life into the technology behind them.”

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When I think about potential new websites that I’d build, I usually look for underserved niches–gaps to fill. There are so many companies building large generalist sites that you really need to do something different to have a chance at building a real business. At least that’s my take. Emerge Media has a completely different philosophy. They are a Chicago, IL based company that is “taking on the essential roots of everyday tasks and breathing real life into the technology behind them.” They’ve been launching new sites in broad niches with a lot of competition. It seems crazy to me, but it might just work.

Are You Ready to Emerge?

Emerge Media’s properties include Translate.com, Information.com, Directions.com, Bands.com, and Person.com. For the most part each of these sites is exactly what it sounds like. Apparently Emerge Media’s sites add up to bring in more than 50 million unique visitors per month, so they must be on to something. There isn’t much more information available about the company, but they’re strategy really is intriguing. If you want to find out more, check out their Careers page. Right now they’re looking for a UI/UX Designer, a Front End Web Developer, an SEM Analyst, a Data Scientist, and an Information Architect.

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