Ferrazzi Greenlight’s Jobs page doesn’t appear to list specific job openings, but they welcome cold calling.

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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Delivery Driver
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Cleaning Positions
Columbus, OH
Construction - Filler Packer II (2nd Shift)
Columbus, OH
Warehouse Selector - South Columbus - Lockbourne
Lockbourne, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Remote work from home ; Customer Service Excellence (Remote)
Columbus, OH

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Over the past month I’ve had at least three people ask me whether I’ve read Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time. Usually that would be enough of a push to get me to order the book from Amazon and give it a quick read, but I haven’t had time to because I’ve been so focused on developing a curriculum that will teach you how to find and land a job. The last person who asked me if I had read Never Eat Alone also suggested that I take a look at Ferrazzi Greenlight, the company started by the book’s author, Keith Ferrazzi. The company focuses on strategic relationship management through consulting, speaking, and professional development services – or as they say it, they share their “passion for infusing relationships with intimacy, accountability, and generosity to achieve the greatest of success.”

Redlight, Greenlight

First of all, if you’re going to consider a job with Ferrazzi Greenlight, you better go read Keith’s book. Applying without having read it would be asking for rejection. Then you should get familiar with what the company does. In terms of Consulting, they focus on Executive Communities, Partnership Roadmaps, Thought Leadership
Sales, High Touch Marketing, Development, and Pinging Response Systems. As for professional development, they specialize in Cultural Alignment Strategies, Peer-to-Peer Accountability Groups, Relationship Management for Sales, ERM for Executives, Silo Busting Strategies, and Team Coaching. Beyond these two main focus areas, they also help companies with Vendor Alignment Strategies, Loyalty Marketing, Ambassador Dinners, Internal Communication Strategy, Brand Strategy, Channel Strategy, Brand Relationship Management, and Product Strategy. That’s a lot of buzzwords, but it all comes down to relationships. Communication and relationships are a key theme throughout what Ferrazzi Greenlight does – it’s also the main theme of their home page.

Basically, Ferrazzi Greenlight does for companies what we hope to do with you when it comes to your job search. We want to enable and empower you to build relationships that will lead to results (getting a job). Ferrazzi Greenlight’s Jobs page doesn’t appear to list specific job openings, but they welcome cold calling. I did a little research and saw that over the past few months they’ve had openings for positions like Webmaster/Social Networking Specialist and Strategy/Marketing Consultant at their office in Los Angeles. I couldn’t find full descriptions for these now filled jobs, but they seemed like they had entry level potential. If Ferrazzi Greenlight sounds like a “professional fit” for you, then send your resume and cover letter to jobs@ferrazzigreenlight.com.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

Have you read Never Eat Alone?

We've identified Ferrazzi Greenlight as having career opportunities in the following categories:

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