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FierceMarkets is a Washington, DC based company that specializes in business-to-business media, publications, and marketing.

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There are generally two ways to market to people. You can build your own audience, or you can rent somebody else’s audience. That’s why a lot of companies are built around building audiences to rent to other businesses. FierceMarkets is a perfect example. They are a Washington, DC based company that specializes in business-to-business media, publications, and marketing. The end goal is to “connect companies with the right audience and ensure each campaign generates the highest possible return on investment.”

How Fierce Are You?

The thing I find odd about FierceMarkets is that their About page is almost entirely focused on marketing and lead generation. They don’t really talk about publishing, which is how they’ve built up such desirable audiences. These include telecom, life sciences, healthcare, enterprise IT, government, finance, marketing & retail, and energy. FierceMarkets operates multiple media properties in each of these verticals. Having so may properties allows FierceMarkets to offer a very wide variety of marketing solutions; in fact, the properties seem to be built for marketing. If working on that kind of stuff interests you, check out FierceMarkets’ Careers page. Right now they’re hiring for the following positions:

Hopefully one of these positions will be a good fit for you.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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