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General Assembly is based in NYC and is “offering full-time immersive programs, long-form courses, and classes and workshops on the most relevant skills of the 21st century.”

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Raise your hand if you’ve come to the realization that college didn’t prepare you for the job market. I see a lot of hands. I’m not knocking college, but the skills that I’ve developed from starting a business are way more marketable than the ones that I developed in the classroom. So what do you do if you realize that you don’t have what employers want (or you want to start your own business)? You can hustle and develop the skills on your own, or you can speed up the process by enrolling at General Assembly. They are a New York, NY based company that is “creating a global community of individuals empowered to pursue work they love, by offering full-time immersive programs, long-form courses, and classes and workshops on the most relevant skills of the 21st century.”

Assemble Generally

These courses, classes, and workshop cover topics ranging “from web development and user experience design, to business fundamentals, to data science, to product management and digital marketing.” General Assembly now has 14 campuses across 9 cities–Berlin (2), Boston, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles (2), New York City (2), San Francisco, Sydney (2), and Washington D.C. (2). You can get an entire overview of General Assembly by reading their Fact Sheet, and you can dive even deeper by checking out their FAQ. The end goal is to transform “thinkers into creators,” which is very different from what most colleges and universities set out to do. If you’d like to be the part of the future of education, take a look at General Assembly’s Careers page. Here are some opportunities to check out:

I really like what General Assembly is doing, so these jobs are definitely worth considering.

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