Green Education Foundation Logo

If the Green Education Foundation sounds like something that you want to get behind, then you should check out both their job openings.

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Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Patient Experience Coordinator - University Hospital
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Philanthropy Advisor, Central Ohio
Pickerington, OH
Patient Advocate (Call Center) - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
HR CQI Coordinator
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Rep - Starts at 19 per Hour
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Clerk - Work Remotely
Columbus, OH

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When I was in Kindergarten, I was given a tree seedling in a half milk carton. I was supposed to bring it home and plant it. I’m sure there was some other lesson that came with the seedling, but all I can remember is having my own tree and thinking it was cool. I went home and planted the tree in a marginal spot where it took way too long to grow. The tree even made the move when my parents bought a new house, but it only lasted a few months in its new spot. This tree was obviously part of my “green education,” and that was back in the early 90s. Obviously, the need for environmental education continues to grow, and the Green Education Foundation in Walpole, MA is aiming to fill the growing need. They are a “non-profit organization that provides environmental education resources for Pre K-12 classrooms and youth groups nationwide.” I don’t know if seedlings in milk cartons is still in, but I bet the Green Education Foundation has much more innovative ways of teaching now.

Greening Our Youth

The Green Education Foundation’s programs include National Green Week, Green Energy Challenge, Green Thumb Challenge, Green Schools Initiative, I Play Green, and I Ride Green. Each is targeted towards mobilizing students and getting them to focus on a different area of environmental responsibility. GEF also offers editorials on a variety of environmental issues, and they provide curriculums for all different age groups. If the GEF sounds like something that you want to get behind, then you should check out both their Careers page and their jobs on Idealist. Their current openings include Environmental Science/Green Buildings Course Consultant, Graphic Designer, and Environmental Science Textbook Writer (probably not entry level). Check them out and see what fits you.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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