Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Logo

One of the more interesting success stories in the coffee business is Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, which started as a small coffee shop in 1981.

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I am not a coffee drinker–never have been and never will be. I can’t even stand the smell of it, so it’s hard for me to comprehend how so many people want to start their mornings off with it. I’m either wrong or it’s the best marketing success in the world, but coffee is a massive industry–somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 billion annually just in the U.S. One of the more interesting success stories in the business is Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. They’re a Waterbury, VT based company that was founded in 1981 as a small coffee shop. Instead of sticking with that model and following the Starbucks path, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters went another direction. They decided to focus on helping other people make good coffee.

Climb the Green Mountain

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is probably best known for its specialty brands (these include Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Tully’s, Timothy’s, Diedrich, and Van Houtte) that emphasize fair trade and organic ingredients (GMCR puts a huge emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility). Additionally, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters owns Keurig, which offers single cup brewing machines. Recent partnerships with Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts had driven GMCR’s stock through the roof, but it’s come back to reality as of late (which has caused the company’s founder quite a bit of trouble). Still, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters appears to have a rapidly growing business based. If you want to be a part of it, I recommend that you take a look at their Careers page (but be prepared to be frustrated). I found it exceptionally hard to browse their job postings, but I did find these opportunities that are worth checking out:

There are a lot of jobs at GMCR, and these are just a few of them. You may want to take a closer look if none of these are exactly what you’re looking for. They do have a Campus Recruiting page, but all it has is a few sentences and a video.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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