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HealthTap is a Palo Alto, CA based company that allows patients to get free answers to medial questions from doctors online, and they're hiring.

Displaying 1-10 of 524 results.
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Clerk - Work Remotely
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Customer Service Sales Work From Home Gulfport, MS
Columbus, OH
Patient Advocate (Call Center) - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Remote work from home ; Customer Service Excellence (Remote)
Columbus, OH
Communications Center Dispatcher
Columbus, OH

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Admit it! You’ve used the Internet to self-diagnose a medical problem, and you probably used WebMD. For some of you it was to convince yourself that you’re not going to die tomorrow, and for some of you it was probably the opposite. It’s great having access to so much information, but it’s kind of dangerous when you a) can’t verify its accuracy and b) have no idea how to use it properly. Running to the doctor for every little issue is ridiculous, so there needs to be a better way to get medical information online. Luckily my little sister (who is awesome because she went to art school and then decided she wanted to go to med school, so she’s doing a postbac now) let me know about HealthTap. They’re a Palo Alto, CA based company that provides “free online and mobile answers from thousands of the best physicians in the U.S.” It’s kind of like Yahoo! Answers for medicine, but the people responding to your questions aren’t complete morons.

Get Tapped

There’s no doubt that there’s a demand for free medical advice online. But would doctors actually be willing to answer questions for free? HealthTap has proven that the answer is a resounding yes. Humans want to share their knowledge–just look at the endless reviews on sites like Yelp and Amazon–but professionals are usually more hesitant to give away their expertise for free. That’s why HealthTap sweetens the deal for docs. Their software helps “physicians better serve existing patients, find new ones, and build their reputation by demonstrating their expertise online.” If you were looking for a dermatologist, wouldn’t you consider the one who gave you great answers to your questions about a rash on HealthTap? I would (if I had a rash). Beyond helping doctors reach new people, HealthTap also provides a platform for doctors to provide something like a FAQ. That means that they spend less time answering the same simple questions over and over.

If you’re interested in the intersection of health care and technology, then a job at HealthTap would be an awesome fit. Here’s their video on why you should work for them:

The available positions most suitable for new or recent grads at HealthTap are pretty technical right now as they include Frontend Software Engineer, Backend Software Engineer, Mobile App Developer, and IT and Operations Engineer. The Interactive Writer / Copy Writer / Editor position looks pretty cool, but it seems like they want pretty significant experience. If you’re not a techie, you may want to try reaching out to to see if there’s any way you could fit in.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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Patient Service Representative
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Delivery Driver
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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Amazon Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Abbott Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
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