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Houzz is a Palo Alto, CA based company that offers “a collaborative platform for home remodeling and design."

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Every time that Amy and I move (four times over the last six years), we say that we’re going to do a great job setting up our new place. When we move to the next place, we end up repacking the framed pictures that we never got around to hanging on the wall. Interior design isn’t our strongpoint. Next time we move, we’ll have to use Houzz for inspiration. They’re a Palo Alto, CA based company that offers “a collaborative platform for home remodeling and design, bringing homeowners and home professionals together in a uniquely visual community.” It’s kind of like Pinterest, but only for home design and decor.

In the Houzz?

One of the key ideas behind Houzz is that it’s a place for professionals to show off their work. In fact, they have nearly 3 million photos uploaded by professionals. This is what separates Houzz from other socially focused sites. There’s no spam, and the content tends to be of higher quality. While professionals are able to participate on the site for free, there are premium options that enable them to gain more exposure with potential clients. It also looks like you can buy some products directly from Houzz, so that’s another business model. You really have to browse the site to understand how it all works, so do that and then check out Houzz’s Jobs page. There are quite a few positions including:

There are a lot of options, so hopefully one will be a good fit for you.

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