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JESS3is a Los Angeles, CA based “creative interactive agency that specializes in the art of data visualization

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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Delivery Driver
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Clerk - Work Remotely
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Customer Service Sales Work From Home Gulfport, MS
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Remote work from home ; Customer Service Excellence (Remote)
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Company profiles are great, but sometimes you need help with the other side of the job search–cover letters, résumés, interviewing, etc. Check out our Get a Job Faster page that includes links to our Job Search Prep course and some really helpful articles.

Communication is one of the most essential skills in the job search. If you can’t communicate your value to an employer, you won’t get hired. Most people use words to communicate–some do better when they’re spoken and some do better when they’re written. And some do better with pictures. Those are the types of people who should work at JESS3, a Los Angeles, CA (formerly Washington, DC) based “creative interactive agency that specializes in the art of data visualization, adding context and meaning to the exponentially growing world of data around us.” They’re another company that I learned about from Inc. Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list of America’s Coolest Young Entrepreneurs. The company is actually run by a couple (Jesse and Leslie), which must make for an interesting dynamic.

Visualize Yourself at JESS3

If it can be communicated visually, JESS3 does it. They offer services ranging from “UI / UX, animation, content creation and digital PR to developing large-scale installations, social strategies, data visualizations and infographics,” and they’ve done these things for clients including “Samsung, Nike, Washington Post, Facebook, NASA, National Geographic, foursquare, Microsoft, C-SPAN, Turner Broadcasting and Google.” If you really want to dive into JESS3’s work, take a look at their Projects page. You may also want to read through their Blog to get a better feel for who they are and how they work. If everything looks good (especially their visualizations), then you will want to take a look at JESS3’s Careers page. They say that they are “always hiring” UX Designers, Front End Developers, Project Managers, Illustrators, Strategists, Interns, Flash Designers, Infographic Designers, and Account Managers.” They also note that they’re especially interested in Creative Directors, Art Directors, Interactive Designers and Project Managers right now. Reach out to them and see how you fit in (they also have an office in Oklahoma City, OK).

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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