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Obviously big name investors, advisors, and clients can’t guarantee success, but maybe your joining the JungleCents team can.

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If you’re up on tech and startup news, then you probably heard about how Groupon spurned an estimated $6 billion buyout from Google and how LivingSocial just took on a $150 million investment from Amazon. Daily deals are huge business, while daily jobs are… growing. I’m not really a big fan of all of the “me too” startups in the daily deal space, but I came across one this morning that impressed me. It’s called JungleCents, and it’s based in San Francisco. While Groupon and LivingSocial have become so valuable because of their ability to develop relationships with local business, JungleCents is using lessons learned from these two giants but staying away from local markets. Once a week JungleCents offers a discounted gift card to an online retailer—it could be a major name or lesser known online boutique. You can get a gift card at a huge discount, and JungleCents takes a cut too.

Welcome to the Jungle

Usually I’d have ignored JungleCents as yet another frat boy startup (it was actually started by three fraternity brothers) that is riding the wave of a popular trend, but two things stood about the company. First, they’ve already worked with some huge names including Starbucks, Amazon, Whole Foods, BestBuy, Petco, and Priceline.com. Second, they just took a round on investment from Mark Cuban, and Guy Kawasaki is on their board. I’m just angry that I missed some of those past deals. I’d be all over the Amazon and Whole Foods gift cards. Obviously big name investors, advisors, and clients can’t guarantee success, but maybe your joining the JungleCents team can. Right now they’re looking for a Web Developer and a Business Development and Sales Wizard. They look like pretty cool jobs, so check them out.

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