Posted by Willy Franzen on June 11, 2012. Jobs updated daily.
One of the best things to happen to me when I moved to Chicago was that I found a volleyball meetup group. It was a great way to make new friends, get exercise, and improve my skills. Another was when I stumbled on Jelly Chicago, a co-working group. I really lucked out with both. Finding fun group activities isn’t usually so easy–especially if your interests don’t align with the types of groups that already exist. Lifecrowd is a company that is trying to make social group activities happen more often. They’re based in Santa Monica, CA, and they’ve “developed a community to connect those who want to pursue trying new activities with Hosts who want to share their knowledge or skills with others.”
Here’s a short promo video from Lifecrowd. It doesn’t go into too much detail about how their service actually works, but it should give you a better idea of what they’re trying to accomplish.
Lifecrowd is pretty simple. You browse activities listed on the site, check out the people who are going, and sign up. Some of the activities are free, but many have a fee associated with them. My assumption is that Lifecrowd gets a cut of the fee, and that’s their business model. There are a ton of startups targeting this space–they range from HowAboutWe (focused on dating) to Grubwithus (focused one eating). Lifecrowd seems to be more about getting things that you wouldn’t do alone or with your current group of friends. If that sounds like fun to you, then take a look at Lifecrowd’s Jobs page. Right now they’re looking for a Community Manager and a Software Engineer. Both look like really fun group activities.
Links to Help You Begin Your Research
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