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ListenLogic is a Conshohocken, PA based company that extracts “insights from unstructured big data to drive business outcomes.”

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We live in a world of data. Everything from the prices on financial markets to our weights can be measured and tracked very easily. Even an average person can use easily accessible online tools to fake being a “data scientist.” But what about data that isn’t obviously data? I’m talking about stuff that isn’t neatly sorted into rows and columns–the kind of stuff that you’d have to painstakingly tabulate by hand. We now have technology that can do the hard work for us, and one of the companies behind such technology is ListenLogic. They are a Conshohocken, PA based company that extracts “insights from unstructured big data to drive business outcomes.” Their “big data” technology allows clients to act on information that they never before could have acted on.

Listen to This Logic

You don’t have to look any further than ListenLogic’s clients list to see that they’re for real. Right now it includes Comcast, Merck, Fidelity, Pfizer, Pepsico, Allstate, and Abbott. As you can see, they’re working at the highest level across a variety of industries. You can get a little more info on what they actually do for these clients here. A big focus is on social insights, which makes sense social media has become a huge source of free, but extremely valuable unstructured data. If ListenLogic sounds intriguing to you, visit their Jobs page. They’re always looking for people in Software Development, Research and Analysis, Sales, Marketing, and Customer Support, and they have a specific listing for a Social Media Intelligence Analyst / Market Research Analyst.

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