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Ranchhands is what Lowercase Capital calls their Jobs page, and right now they’re looking for a Cowpoke/Intern.

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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Clerk - Work Remotely
Columbus, OH
Client Services Associate
Columbus, OH
Remote work from home ; Customer Service Excellence (Remote)
Columbus, OH
Customer Service Sales Work From Home Gulfport, MS
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH

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I was considering writing about McDonnell Douglas after having my apartment building buzzed by F-18s all day yesterday (they’re practicing for the Chicago Air and Water Show), but I had a friend send me a link to a posting that was way too cool to pass up. It’s from the venture capital industry, which is notoriously hard to break into. Lowercase Capital is a new Angel Fund that was launched in June by Chris Sacca, who was formerly the Head of Special Initiatives at Google. I’ve spoken with a few venture capital companies who were interested in my business, and most seemed buttoned up (at least compared to the startups that they invest in). This is definitely not the case with Lowercase Capital, unless you mean buttoned up with a Bolo tie. Yes, Lowercase Capital has a Western theme, which is fitting because they’re located in Truckee, CA (I was in Truckee two days ago, and it’s awesome). It almost seems gimmicky, but the whole thing really speaks to how Chris is trying to change the way venture capital works with Lowercase.

Giddy Up

Before he started Lowercase Capital, Chris Sacca was an individual angel investor. He put his own money to work helping startups get off the ground. Now, he’s doing the same thing, but on a larger scale and with $8.5 million in his fund. The fund is extremely hands on, so they do a lot more than just write checks. You’ll want to browse around the Lowercase Capital site to a get a better feel for who they are and what they do, but at first you might find it confusing. Outfit is their About page, while Posse is a list of their portfolio companies. Prospecting gives you info on how to pitch them, and Cables is their blog. Most importantly, Ranchhands is what they call their Jobs page, and right now they’re looking for a Cowpoke/Intern. I wouldn’t usually post about an internship here, but it is paid, and it’s one of the best opportunities that you’ll have to break into the VC world since they don’t do much entry level hiring. The description takes the Western metaphors to a whole new level, so you’ll probably have to read the posting a few times to be able to process it all. The position comes with a ton of flexibility, so you’ll have the chance to make of it what you want. If you’re interested, check out the job description and apply to thisjobhasmynameonit@lowercasellc.com. Oh yeah, and apparently you can do the job from anywhere.

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