We don't know who Maria is, nor do we know much more about Maria Health, but we do know that they're an early stage startup that is hiring.

Displaying 1-10 of 555 results.
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Resource Specialist
Columbus, OH
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Clinical Research Assistant
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Clerk - Work Remotely
Columbus, OH
Delivery Driver
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
Patient Support Assistant FT Nights
Grove City, OH
PT - Home Health - Circleville, Ohio
Columbus, OH

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Typically when we feature a startup company and its jobs, the startup is at least mid-stage – they have a small but growing team, a product that has been released in some form to the public, and often have gone through multiple stages of funding. Today’s company, Maria Health, can definitely be considered early stage. They have a team of 7, an idea – not a product, and backing by one venture capital firm. They say that they’re going to change the way that you think about healthcare through “a web app which will provide users unprecedented transparency into their healthcare usage, options, and insurance coverage.” Although it’s hard to say what will actually happen down the road, you have to like the chances of a healthcare based startup in this down economy. Healthcare is an industry that just seems to keep growing and growing.

Who Is Maria?

We don’t know who Maria is, nor do we know much more about Maria Health. Early stage startups often aren’t very forthcoming with information about themselves. They want to avoid having competitors steal their ideas, and they also probably want to leave room for their ideas to evolve before they publicly announce exactly what they’re doing. What we do know is that Maria Health already has a Jobs page, and they’re hiring for a couple positions that might interest new college grads. Specifically, they’re looking for a Software Developer who has exceptional Ruby skills and a Product Manager who has user experience experience (that was not a typo). Maria Health’s jobs page has full descriptions, so check them out if you’re a web developer (front end or back end) who has a vested interest in the healthcare industry. Maria Health is located in San Mateo, CA, but they’re moving to SOMA in San Francisco in January of 2009. To apply for a job with them, send a cover letter and resume to jobs@mariahealth.com.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

Would you like to see more jobs from early stage startps, or are you way to risk averse to a job like the ones we featured today?

We've identified Maria Health as having career opportunities in the following categories:

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Patient Service Representative
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Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Abbott Columbus, OH
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Amazon Columbus, OH

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