Moosejaw is a retailer of outdoor gear based in Madison Heights, MI and they're insanely loyal to their customers.

Displaying 1-10 of 542 results.
Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Resource Specialist
Columbus, OH
Delivery Driver
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Remote work from home ; Customer Service Excellence (Remote)
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Remote Work From Home Data Entry Clerk - $1400 Weekly
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
Columbus, OH
(USA) Personal Shopper - Sam's
Columbus, OH

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We love companies that take something ordinary and create a unique value proposition for customers by creating a meaningful brand identity (uh, are we getting too jargon-y?). Moosejaw is a retailer of outdoor gear. You can buy what they sell at a lot of stores, through a lot of catalogs, or from a lot of online retailers, but Moosejaw still has an insanely loyal customer following. Every day they get rave reviews and customer photo submissions. Maybe it’s because Moosejaw has really good looking models, or maybe it’s the fact that Moosejaw offers homework help and dating advice to their customers. We’re not really sure what it is, but they’ve got their niche figured out.

We’ve been watching Moosejaw for a while, hoping that they’d eventually post some entry-level jobs on their website, since a search for “Moosejaw jobs” typically turns up opportunities in the the town of the same name in Saskatchewan. Moosejaw has finally listed a couple jobs that sound about right for a new college grad, so we thought it was time to let you know about them. The Moosejaw Jobs page says they’re currently looking to hire Assistant Managers for their Chicago store and an IT Assistant in their Madison Hills, MI headquarters. If you’re applying for the Assistant Manger position, you should probably have 2+ years of retail experience, which is the kind of experience that a lot of new college grads probably already have. The job descriptions are short, but entertaining and honest at the same time. The owner of Moosejaw’s mom even says that Moosejaw is a great place to work!

We hope Moosejaw will list more entry-level jobs in the future, so keep visiting their Jobs page for updates. We’d be especially excited to see jobs more closely tied to their marketing and online retailing, since that is what Moosejaw appears to be so good at. We think that the best way to get to know Moosejaw and how they do business is to take a look around their website. Since career related information beyond simple job listings is hard to find, the links below are focused on getting you familiar with the irreverency that has made Moosejaw so popular. We can’t promise it, but we get the feeling that Moosejaw is a really fun place to work.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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We've identified Moosejaw as having career opportunities in the following categories:

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Patient Service Representative
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Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
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Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
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