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NatureBox is a San Carlos, CA based ” high-growth e-commerce company that is reinventing the way people purchase healthy foods and groceries.”

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I’ve been working at eating healthier for a while now. I have a huge appetite–and it gets bigger when I work out, so it’s not easy. I’ve made a lot of progress by shopping only around the perimeter at the grocery store and avoiding snacking, but I know that the latter is hard for people. If you’re going to snack, you might as well try to be healthy. NatureBox is a company that wants to make that easier for everyone. They’re a San Carlos, CA based ” high-growth e-commerce company that is reinventing the way people purchase healthy foods and groceries.” While I’ll assume that they have bigger plans, they’ve started by offering a monthly subscription that helps you discover “healthy, hand-picked snacks.”

Be One with NatureBox

NatureBox is pretty simple. Here’s how it works. And here are the kinds of snacks that subscribers are sent every month. Typically you get a random assortment, but if you really like something, you can apparently request more of it in future shipments. You’re probably aware of quite a few companies that have adopted the subscription box model. Some make more sense than others, and I think snack food is one of the best fits. It’s obviously consumable and trying new tastes all the time is exciting. The price is also right–5 snacks for less than $20 a month is right about what you’d expect to pay for fancy, healthy snacks (there are more expensive plans for bigger families). If healthy snacks get you excited, take a look at NatureBox’s Jobs page. The Personal Snack Concierge position is probably the best fit for a new or recent grad, but you may also want to take a look at the Fulfillment Associate and Marketing / Customer Acquisition Manager positions.

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