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The New York Daily News doesn't list jobs, but does typically hire in Advertising, Circulation, Marketing, Production, Technology, Finance, and Digital.

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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
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Communications Center Dispatcher
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Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
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Customer Service Sales Work From Home Gulfport, MS
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Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
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I honestly can’t tell you when the last time that I picked up a newspaper was. It’s not that I’m sequestering myself from current events, it’s just that I do most of my media consumption online because it’s so easy. Obviously, attitudes like mine are causing a lot of distress in the newspaper industry, but I think there’s still a great business in delivering quality content. One area where online media kicks traditional media’s butt is in grabbing eyeballs. Sensationalism sells, and most newspapers still haven’t grasped that. However, tabloids, especially those based in New York, have always known how to get attention. That’s why there’s a good chance that I’ll pick up a copy of the New York Daily News if it’s sitting on a table at the coffee shop that my parents like to take me to back in Connecticut (where I’m headed this morning). It may not be the most reliable source for information or the most academic, but you have to love the fact that the New York Daily News understands the psychology of its readers and uses that knowledge to convince them to read. It doesn’t matter how great the writing is if nobody reads it.

Daily Jobs, Daily News

The New York Daily News was founded in 1919 and has had a tumultuous history and has nearly gone out of business multiple times. Today, however, they are the fifth most widely circulated newspaper in the United States, printing 535,059 issues on a daily basis. Up until 1991 the New York Daily News was owned and operated by the Tribune Company, but it is now owned by Mort Zuckerman. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an About page for the Daily News, so I recommend that you check out its Wikipedia entry to get the full story. Along with having no About page, the Daily News also has a shoddy Jobs page, even if they say that its their “great employees” that make them “a great news organization.” They don’t actually list jobs, but they do mention that they typically hire in the areas of Advertising, Circulation, Marketing, Production, Technology, Finance, and Digital. I’m pretty sure that you can add Editorial and Writing to that list too, and probably Social Media too. They recommend that candidates reach out to them at, and it looks like that may be worthwhile. A quick look at LinkedIn shows that a number of the Daily News’ most recent hires were at or near the entry level.

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Patient Service Representative
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Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Recruit Monitor Columbus, OH

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