Party City realizes that college students have partying down, so they have a college recruiting program to attract kids with 4 years' partying experience.

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Supportive Housing Coordinator
Columbus, OH
Pipeline Operations Technician
Columbus, OH
Community Impact Capital (CIC) Project Manager
Columbus, OH
Recreation Assistant Manager (Therapeutic Recreation) (Vacancy)
Columbus, OH
School Age Site Director - Southwestern City Schools
Columbus, OH
Associate Customer Business Manager
Columbus, OH
Manager, Event Operations
Columbus, OH
Logistics Supervisor, Warehousing (3rd shift)
Columbus, OH
Guest Experience Specialist - CMH - Part Time 1st Shift
Columbus, OH
Chief Human Resources Officer
Columbus, OH

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Happy Cinco de Mayo! To be honest, today is the first time that I’m going to be celebrating the holiday, but I’m pretty excited about it. I did a little research (yes, those job search skills also help when you need to find semi-useful facts) and found that Cinco de Mayo is actually a very minor holiday in Mexico, but has become quite a celebration in many areas north of the border. This article from the Albuquerque Tribune does a nice job of telling the history, and includes this quote from Jeffrey Candelaria, vice president of membership and marketing at the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce: “From my perspective as a marketing professional, Cinco de Mayo has morphed into a national holiday designed by Fifth Avenue to sell alcohol and excite consumership around a party-type theme.” Well, party-type themes are fun, especially if classes are over for you, so we’re going to run with it and talk about jobs at Party City today.

Party On!

Party City is a party retailer that offers all the necessary accoutrements for a themed occasion. These are important because in college (and probably always after) themed parties are essential to justifying questionable behavior. Partying during the daytime is frowned upon even by some of the most hardcore partiers, but it suddenly becomes ok when you’ve purchased some of these Cinco de Mayo party favors. And don’t forget about how people dress on Halloween! A few touches from a Party City purchase can justify almost any costume idea. Yes, parties are fun, but themed parties are almost always more fun. Just remember, keep the pictures private if you put them on Facebook.

No Work Experience, 4 Years’ Partying Experience

Party City has realized that college students have this partying thing figured out, so they’ve put together a college recruiting program to attract those kids with 4 years of college partying experience. Ok, we might be overplaying the fact that partying habits have any relevance when it comes to getting a job at Party City, but it’s fun to run with the theme. There appear to be three career tracks for new graduates at Party City: choosing a Corporate Division and going to work, entering the Management Training Program and rotating through 3 divisions, or taking the Management Fast Track towards becoming a general manager of a retail store. Each of these options (all of which are located in Rockaway, NJ) looks pretty interesting, so follow the links and take a look at the additional information on the Party City website.

What we really like about Party City is that they don’t ask entry-level applicants to apply for a specific job, but instead ask them to choose a program. They understand that many new grads are unsure of what they want to do, so they provide open ended options. All you need to do to apply is send a cover letter and resume to, but not until after you’ve enjoyed Cinco de Mayo.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

We know that our daily e-mail didn’t send yesterday, which is the 2nd time in two weeks. The process is automated, and we have no idea why it’s failing. We’re really sorry, and we’ll do our best to make sure that we fix the problem. If you’re one of those people who never gets our daily e-mail, you should stop missing out on the action and subscribe by e-mail now.

We've identified Party City as having career opportunities in the following categories:

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One response to “Party City”

  1. […] May 5th – Party City – Party City has realized that college students have this partying thing figured out, so they’ve put together a college recruiting program to attract those kids with 4 years of college partying experience. Ok, we might be overplaying the fact that partying habits have any relevance when it comes to getting a job at Party City, but it’s fun to run with the theme. More >>>> […]

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