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If you loved taking standardized tests then a career with Revolution Test Prep might be just what you're looking for.

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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Cleaning Positions
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Data Entry Clerk - Work Remotely
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Remote work from home ; Customer Service Excellence (Remote)
Columbus, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH
Benefits Enrollment Specialist - Work From Home
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I actually kind of liked taking standardized tests during my high school years, but now I’m glad that they’re 10 years in my past. While I imagine that the tests haven’t changed all that much in the past decade (beyond the SAT adding a section), test prep has. There are a ton of companies that have developed technology and systems for improving student performance on standardized tests. One of the big ones is Revolution Prep. They’re based in Santa Monica, CA, and they’ve grown at a 211% rate over the past three-years to $18.8 million in revenue. This growth has been fueled by a “vision to transform education and provide the highest quality instruction to all students regardless of their ability to pay.” It’s pretty clear that Revolution Prep isn’t just about teaching students how to beat the test–they want to turn their students into better learners and thinkers.

Join the Revolution

From what I can tell, Revolution Prep has three core product areas: Academic Tutoring, Test Prep, and Ivy Insiders. Within these product lines there are a wide range of different offerings, so it seems that they are able to serve all kinds of different learning needs. Revolution Prep must be doing a good job too–94% of their grads recommend them. What I like most about Revolution Prep is that they put current students and recent grads to work helping students. They don’t have a unified Careers page, so it’s kind of hard to get your head around what kind of opportunities they offer. The one you’ll probably want to find is the Revolution Prep College Careers Programs page. This is where you can learn about their Entrepreneurial Management Program, Campus Recruitment Leader positions, Summer Management Program, and Instructor/Tutor Positions. If you’re looking for something a little more corporate, then you can take a look at their other job listings.

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Patient Service Representative
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Amazon Customer Service - Work From Home $16-$35/hr
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