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RevTrax is a New York, NY based company that is taking a more modern approach to using coupons to track customer behavior.

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Apparently a guy named Asa Candler invented the coupon in 1887. He was one of the founders of Coca-Cola, and it was his marketing tactics that put the brand on the path to where it is today. Coupons are ingenious for two reasons. First, they influence people to do things that they wouldn’t otherwise do. Second, they allow companies to track the success of different marketing strategies and tactics. Here’s a simplistic, old school example. A company runs the same coupon in two competing local newspapers for the same cost. One gets twice as many redemptions. The company now knows where to spend their ad dollars. RevTrax is a New York, NY based company that is taking a more modern approach to using coupons to track customer behavior.

Cover Your Trax

RevTrax offers an “omnichannel promotions platform that empowers marketers to drive and measure online-to-offline sales using cross-channel digital coupons and offers.” Here’s a video explaining how it works:

The company is built on the basics of why coupons work so well, but they take it to a completely new level. That’s why companies like Staples, Starbucks, AT&T, and Wendy’s are using RevTrax. If you’re not afraid to clip coupons, then you may want to consider a job with RevTrax. Right now their Jobs page shows that they’re looking for a Client Services Account Rep and a Staff Accountant.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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