Small Business Majority Logo

Small Business Majority is a San Francisco, CA based “national small business organization" that focuses "on solving the biggest problems facing small businesses today.”

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Think about your favorite small business. If you like it enough for it to be your favorite, they’re probably doing a lot of things right–but chances are that they still face a lot of serious challenges. Unfortunately, they’re small, and that means that there are a lot of factors that they have little control over. That’s why many small business owners have banded together to start Small Business Majority, a San Francisco, CA based “national small business organization, founded and run by small business owners to focus on solving the biggest problems facing small businesses today.” They have offices in thirteen cities across the U.S. that are working to “bringthe voices of small business to the public policy table.”

Join the Majority

A lot of what Small Business Majority does is research in areas like Tax, Healthcare, Immigration, Energy, Entrepreneurship, Workforce, Government Accountability, and Technology. They seem to lean pretty hard left on these issues, which is interesting because I’m not sure that their positions on some of these issues align with the majority of small business owners. You can see the kinds of businesses that do support Small Business Majority here in their small business profiles.Small Business Majority is all about using research to influence public policy, and if that’s interesting to you, you should check out their Jobs page. Data Manager, Midwest Outreach Manager (Chicago, IL or Columbus, OH), a Network Coordinator, a Communications Story Bank Assistant, and a Grant/Proposal Writer.

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