Standard Style is a Kansas City, KS based boutique, online and off, that is trying to meld traditional mid-western values with the latest fashions.

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Here at One Day, One Job we like to feature jobs at companies that we use and respect. I came across Standard Style a couple of years ago when I was shopping for a friend’s birthday present, and I have been a loyal customer ever since. Standard Style is a boutique, online and off, that is trying to meld traditional mid-western values with the latest fashions. What is great about Standard Style is their top-notch customer service and their extensive collection of high fashion clothes and jewelry (that often go on sale). Even greater for you is that they appear to be hiring!

Values? Fashion? Huh?

We used to think that the groups “places that are known for barbecue” and “places that are known for good fashion” were mutually exclusive. Standard Style has changed our opinion, as they’ve focused on “selling West Coast and New York City ideas of fashion to a city where jeans are widely acceptable at high-end restaurants.” Where are they doing this? Kansas City, of course. Matt and Emily Baldwin founded Standard Style after they moved back to Kansas from California, and so far it’s working out pretty well with them. Their Christian faith plays a strong role in how they run their business, which is perfect for their target market – mid-western moms.

Matching religious ideals with high fashion might seem paradoxical,” but the excessive use of sex in advertising can be a turn off to many. That’s why Standard Style’s marketing efforts are toned down, and they focus on working with suppliers who are a little less provocative than your average fashion designer. It’s definitely a different tack, but you can’t argue with a successful business.

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Just kidding. All of Standard Style’s jobs are in Kansas (ok, we think they might have some in Kansas City, MO). Standard Style’s Careers page offers a lot of hope for job searchers, but we’re not sure how many opportunities are actually current, since they don’t list individual positions. They say that they’re looking for people in: Administrative Services, Advertising, Buying, Sales & Customer Service, Distribution/Warehouse, Finance/Accounting, Human Resource, Information Technology, Marketing/Sales/Public Relations, Merchandising, Product Management, Research Analyst, and Store/Retail. Either they’re doing an amazing amount of hiring, or they’ve taken an “always looking” approach.

We used our usual research methods to see if we could dig up any more information on what kind of jobs Standard Style has or what it’s like to work there, but we came up empty-handed. We don’t know for sure that they’re hiring at the entry-level, but they should be. They’re trendy enough to attract the top young talent, and they’re certainly in the right industry. We can’t make any promises, but we think that you probably have a good shot if you send your cover letter and resume to with your area of interest clearly identified. There’s not much else to go on, but we’re sure they’d be happy to answer questions through e-mail as well.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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