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Sometimes it seems that I’m destined to cover a company or organization. Their name will just keep popping up wherever I look. That seems to be the case with StudentsFirst, a Washington, DC based non-profit organization that was “formed in 2010 in response to an increasing demand for a better education system in America.” I’d already come across them a few times when a reader recommended that I check out the organization, and then they popped up in one of my friends’ Facebook statuses. That was enough for me to take a closer look. StudentsFirst is a grassroots movement “designed to mobilize parents, teachers, students, administrators, and citizens throughout country, and to channel their energy to produce meaningful results on both the local and national level.” Unlike many non-profit organizations in the education space that are focused on working at the school level, StudentsFirst is more about activism and advocacy. They believe that building a movement is the key to improving educational outcomes across the United States.

Be One of the First at StudentsFirst

StudentsFirst was founded by Michelle Rhee, the former Chancellor of D.C. Public Schools and founder of The New Teacher Project. She’s been working in education for 18 years, and throughout that time she’s become convinced that “students of every background and ZIP code can achieve at high levels.” StudentsFirst is aimed at making this a reality. The organization is all about encouraging stakeholders to Take Action, and they especially want people to do so by starting and participating in local groups. If you take a look at StudentsFirst’s Jobs page, it’ll be quite obvious that they’re just getting their start. They have job offerings all the way from the C-level down. The two jobs that seem most appropriate for new grads are Correspondence Associate and Teacher Outreach Coordinator. There’s a lot of opportunity here, so give them a nice long look and see what suits you.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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