Underground Elephant Logo

Underground Elephant is a San Diego, CA based performance marketing company that has phenomenal job opportunities for new and recent grads.

Displaying 1-10 of 553 results.
Elephant Internship 2024
Powell, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Right of Way Agent
New Albany, OH
Data Entry Operator - Remote / Work from home
Columbus, OH
Packaging Equipment Operator - 12-Hour Day Shift
Columbus, OH
Patient Service Representative
Dublin, OH
Field Service Technician
Columbus, OH
customer service work from home
Columbus, OH
Right of Way Agent
New Albany, OH
Remote Customer Service Advocate
Columbus, OH

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Company names usually take one of two directions. They either explain exactly what the company does (i.e. Accuweather), or they tell you absolutely nothing about what the company does (i.e. Benzinga). There’s a third type that sounds totally random but actually has a significant meaning, and those tend to be my favorite. Underground Elephant is one of those names. The company is based in San Diego, CA, and they offer “a complete turnkey solution” for customer acquisition in “a wide range of vertical markets.” How is this relevant to their name? Underground Elephant plays a huge role in their clients’ businesses, yet their participation is essentially invisible to everyone but insiders.

The Elephant in the Room

If you’re not familiar with the performance marketing industry, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about. How can a company that delivers tons of customers to their clients do so without being noticed? Watch this video on Underground Elephant to get a better idea of how their business works.

While what Underground Elephant does a good job of keeping a low profile when working for clients, they haven’t been able to do the same in the San Diego media. Their CEO was named a Most Admired CEO Finalist for the third consecutive year by San Diego Business Journal, and they’re also one of San Diego’s fastest growing private companies. I guess an elephant can only hide underground so long. Now that you’ve found them, you need to take a look at their Careers page. Right now they have some great openings for new or recent grads including:

There are a ton of great entry level or near entry level job opportunities at Underground Elephant, so don’t look past them. Not only does Underground Elephant look like a really cool company to work for, but they’re based in San Diego.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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