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Interested in investing? YCharts is a company that provides investors with easy access to objective information, and they're hiring.

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I had a prolonged job search after I graduated college. After a couple of months of browsing job boards, I realized that I needed to do more than just look at job postings. One of the things I did was decide to get serious about my finances. I got all of my money in one place, and I started investing. There were obvious benefits to doing this, but it also gave me something to talk about in job interviews to show my analytical skills (and to show that I’ve actually been doing something). My friend’s dad wrote a book called Rule #1 that explains a good methodology for picking individual stocks. I used that as my guide, and I used some online resources that it recommended of my research. I quickly found that I had to use multiple sites to get the kind of information I needed to make informed decisions. There was no one-stop shop for the figures that I needed, but now there is. It’s called YCharts, and it offers “the best charts on the web and objective, intuitive information about more than 5,000 stocks.” The company is headquartered in Chicago, IL, but all of the jobs that they’re filling are in New York, NY, which makes sense for an investment focused company.

Chart Your Progress

I spent a lot of time watching CNBC on Friday because I wanted to keep tabs on a certain IPO. I was shocked at how much factually incorrect garbage a lot of the guest analysts were spewing. They were saying things that could have been proven wrong with at two second Google search, yet there are people who make financial decisions on what these people say. If you want to make smart investment decisions, you need to base your actions on objective information. That’s what YCharts is all about, as this video explains:

If you’ve been thinking about investing your money, YCharts looks like a great resource for educating yourself. And if you’re interested in a career with a company that is using web technology to help investors, then YCharts could be a great fit. Right now their job postings only show one job suitable for a new or recent grad: Junior Web Developer. However, there will likely be other jobs in the future (some that don’t require tech skills, I’m sure), so you may want to try reaching out to them even if you’re not a Web Developer.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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